Sunday, April 4, 2010

The DATE is OUT!!!

Guys, after a few discussion...
We have two choices:
-22th-24th June (Weekdays)
Fare: RM173
-25th-27th June (Weekends)
Fare: RM265

That's the difference, price of the fare. I need confirmation from you guys asap. Going or not going just let me know, just a short word in the blog.

Zheng Hao, Daryl, Sin Ying, Tiff and myself are ok with 22th-24th.

I do not know why some of the Mulians can just ignore answering 'Yes/No'. Come one, one group!!! Going or not just let me know. If you don't leave any comment here, i ASSUME you don't want to join and i will only help those who already confirm to buy the tickets on next Saturday. Late comers, you can still go of course, but the price of the fare for sure will increase.

Your reply mean alot to US. Please reply...

*Departure time of the flight affect the price of the fare


  1. sorry... i m the one who reply late.... coz i really busy... i forgot to log in here and see.... i think i will skip u all wan weekdays... so i will join u all.. sorry ya....

  2. so sorry leh..i thk i cant join u all leh..
    coz i having exam on 21-25 June..which canot skip=.=..
    enjoy ya~~

  3. wen gonna confirm wif u?
    due date pls...

  4. from her post, its next sat, the day she wil buy the tickets.
